Rest and Be Thankful

Anyone visiting Scotland and going on a tour of the Highlands is likely to pass by or stop at the Rest and Be Thankful viewpoint. It is, as these photos show, a wonderful vista. But there is a lot more to it than that. Rest and Be Thankful is called that due to a commemorative […]

Digitizing My Father’s Coat of Arms

This is a project I’ve wanted to tackle for some time but wasn’t sure quite how to achieve until recently. The goal was simple enough, a digitized copy of my father’s coat of arms. The problem was that it’s not easy to take a piece of physical art and get a version that not only

Unveiling the Enigma of Loch Ness: The History and Truth Behind the Monster

Introduction Friday, April 14th, 1933, a married couple—a respected businessman and his university graduate wife—stop their car, watching in surprise as a mysterious whale-like creature emerges from the calm waters of Loch Ness, less than a mile from the shore, before plunging back beneath the surface again. And a tourist industry is born! The Loch

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The Unicorn

Several countries around the world have mythical creatures as their chosen national animal, but as far as I’m aware only Scotland has the Unicorn. Obviously, Scotland did not invent Unicorns (there are references to them in the Bible after all) but we adopted them around the 15th century. Around this time European nations were all

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TSS Cameronia II (AKA Empire Clyde)

While doing research about my Grandad I found myself falling down an intriguing rabbit hole about the TSS Cameronia which I think is an interesting glimpse into a very specific slice of life in Scotland during a narrow period of time. The TSS stands for Turbine Steam Ship, just in case anyone was wondering. My

Scotland – Past to Future

I’ve been playing around with this log off and on for the last day or two. The original idea in my head was a stylized outline of Scotland giving it a modern feel. I don’t claim that this concept is particularly original in and of itself, I’ve seen similar ideas executed for at least the

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Resources For Learning Gaelic

I do not speak Gaelic and really have never shown any aptitude for learning languages at all, so I don’t imagine I ever will. But for those with more ambition and perhaps more ability, there are many resources out there and some of them are free. So here’s a definitely not complete list to get

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